Dress code
At A Star Dance, we believe that wearing the studio uniform gives students a sense of belonging to our family as well as creating an identity for our studio in the greater community.
Wearing our uniform:• Encourages discipline• Helps students resist peer pressure to buy stylish clothes for class• Helps identify non-students in the studio• Diminishes economic and social barriers between students• Increases a sense of belonging and school pride• Improves attendance Part of learning to dance is to present the proper appearance, this includes clothing that allows the teacher to see the proper positioning and placement of the body. Children need to have a neat appearance at all times. Hair needs to be up and off the face.
For the safety of your dancer and other students in the class, we do not allow children to wear jewellery or watches during class. Wings, wands, jiffies and tiaras are not to be worn. Baggy clothing and zips should also be avoided.
Should you wish to wear ballet shoes and tights in a colour more similar to your skin tone please contact us so we may recommend where to purchase the items.
We have two options of dress code per class: Option A & Option BScroll down to the correct age group to find out what your dance needs to wear at class.
For the safety of your dancer and other students in the class, we do not allow children to wear jewellery or watches during class. Wings, wands, jiffies and tiaras are not to be worn. Baggy clothing and zips should also be avoided.
Should you wish to wear ballet shoes and tights in a colour more similar to your skin tone please contact us so we may recommend where to purchase the items.
We have two options of dress code per class: Option A & Option BScroll down to the correct age group to find out what your dance needs to wear at class.